Big, Medium and Small

Personal Objective : This lesson is created to teach Pre-kindergarten/Kindergarten students to understand the similarities and differences of size (big, medium, and small) and how to categorize different sized items properly. Students will engage in a sorting activity to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson. Common Core Standard: PK.MATH.10. [NY-PK.MD.1.] Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, light) Materials & Preparation Colored Sorting Elephant Manipulatives (large, medium, small) Sorting Sheet Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the classroom and using a marker and 3 bins I will write the words, Big, Medium, and small. I will share with students and have them repeat after me each word so that they can familiarize themselves with the word written on each bin. 2. Next, I will take out various items s...