Count/Write Consecutively

 Personal Objective

This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten students to identify and write numbers consecutively. Students will engage in a "What Comes Next?" worksheet activity using necessary materials to demonstrate their understanding of counting in order and writing numbers correctly. 

Common Core Standard:

PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20

PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality 

Mathematical Practice Standards

MP4. Model with Mathematics

MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically

MP7. Look for and make use of structure

Materials & Preparation

  • Number Worksheet
  • Pencil


1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the dry erase board. I will explain to students that today we will be learning "What Comes Next?" I will ask students "What will we be learning?" they will repeat back to me "What Comes Next?"

2. Using a dry erase marker, dry erase board (big enough for all students to see) I will write numbers on the board and leave one blank for students to figure out what comes next (for instance, 1,2, ___, 4 ). 

3. In order to model for students what we will be doing, I will count aloud "1, 2" and then I will pause  and ask aloud, "What number comes next after 2?" *Students will say aloud* "THREE."  Then I will ask so what is the missing number? *Students will once again say "THREE." I will now use the dry erase marker to fill in the blank "1,2 3, 4). 

3. Next, I will tell students that now it is their turn to figure out what is the missing number? what comes next? I will write a group of numbers and leave one number blank for students to figure out. For instance (5, __, 7 and 0, __, 2). This will continue until all students get a chance to participate.

4. Afterwards, I will explain to students that they will follow this same process of "what comes next" by working independently to complete a worksheet. 

5. As I hand out one crayon and one worksheet and one pencil. to each student, I will explain to students that I would like for them to use their pencils to fill in the blanks, fill in the missing number. I will remind them to count consecutively to figure out the answer.

6. As students engage in individual instruction, I will ask questions such as: What number is this? and What comes next? I may even say "lets count together (for those who may still need help). 


Other Resources:

Ten Apples Up On Top

By: Dr. Seuss



I chose this task in continuation of students having the opportunity to practice to count consecutively. By engaging in this lesson, students are able further build their knowledge of "what comes next?" Especially since, in order for students to develop a strong sense of quantity and how to manipulate them (like adding, subtracting, etc.) they need an abundance of counting experiences. Aside from this, this lesson is a great way for students to exercise the following principles:

  • One-to-one correspondence
  • order relevance
  • cardinality
  • abstraction


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