Color Identification
Personal Objective:
This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten students to identify and match colors accordingly. Students will engage in a color matching activity using necessary materials to demonstrate their understanding of colors.
Common Core Standard:
PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20
PK.MATH.11. [NY-PK.MD.2.] Sorts objects and shapes into categories; counts the objects in each category.
PKG.3 Analyze, compare, and sort two-three dimensional shapes and objects, in different sizes, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, and other attributes (e.g. color, size, and shape).
Mathematical Practice Standards
MP4. Model with Mathematics
MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically
Materials & Preparation
- Paper (w/pre-drawn colored circles)
- Dot Paint (of various colors)
1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the "Colors" chart. I will share with students that today we will be learning about colors, I will say "what will we be learning about?" and students will be expected to repeat back to me *Colors*
2. Next, I will explain to students that as I point to a color using a pointer they will do their best to name each color. As I began, I pointed to the color: "Blue," students said "BLUEEEE," next I pointed to "Green" Students called out, "GREEEEENN" this process was repeated until we completed the colors: yellow, red, brown, pink, orange, and purple."
3. Afterwards, I will take out four different colored bowls (purple, blue, green, and red) along with colored teddy bears. I will ask students to name the color of each bowl. Afterwards, I will randomly take out some colored bears and ask students "If I wanted to match or sort each bear to its matching colored bowl, where will it go?"
4. Leading by example, I will place a blue bear in its matching colored blue bowl. Afterwards, I will allow my students guide me into color coordinating the other colored bears into its correct colored bowl.
5) Upon doing this, students will now engage in independent instruction. Using Paper (w/ pre-drawn colored circles) and dot paint students will be instructed to add the dots (using dot paint) to its matching colored circle.
5. As students engage in individual instruction, I will ask questions such as: What color is this? How many dots did you add to each circle? I will also, document annotations of students work.
Other Resources:
I chose this task because our world is literally made of colors. Therefore, I believe its important to teach students how to identify colors. I also, thought it was fun yet creative strategy to build on the various developmental skills of students. This includes:
Verbal communication: learning colors helps students to build their vocabulary for describing the world around them.
Cognitive skills as they learn and understand how to critically think, understand color identification, and sort/match each color to its appropriately.
As students engage I will ask open ended questions to help further build their critical thinking skills and exercise ability to communicate.
Yes! I love this activity, the book you used to connect with your lesson is perfect. I actually do something like this with my daughter and it works, like she know four colors from doing this activity. Great activity!
ReplyDeleteThis is so interesting! I wish I would have done something like this when I taught Pre-K!