Roll and Color

Personal Objective : This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten/Kindergarten students to enhance their number recognition and counting skills. Students will practice this by rolling the die (or dice) and coloring in the correct number. Common Core Standard(s): PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20 PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality PK. MATH.3b. [NY-PK.CC.3b.] & K. MATH.6. [NY-K.CC.4b.] Explores and develops the concept that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted, (cardinality). The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically MP7. Look for and make use of structure Materials & Preparation Dice Roll and Color Dry Erase Poster Dry Erase Marker Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the c...