
Showing posts from October, 2021

Roll and Color

    Personal Objective :  This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten/Kindergarten students to enhance their number recognition and counting skills. Students will practice this by rolling the die (or dice) and coloring in the correct number. Common Core Standard(s): PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20 PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality PK. MATH.3b. [NY-PK.CC.3b.] & K. MATH.6. [NY-K.CC.4b.] Explores and develops the concept that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted, (cardinality). The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically MP7. Look for and make use of structure Materials & Preparation Dice Roll and Color Dry Erase Poster Dry Erase Marker Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the c...

Addition: How Many?

  Personal Objective :  This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten/Kindergarten students how to add. Students will learn to familiarize themselves with what the plus sign (+) and equal sign (=) looks like. They will also exercise their counting and number recognition skills in order to find the sum.  Students will engage both as a class and independently by completing a worksheet. Common Core Standard(s): PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality PK. MATH.3b. [NY-PK.CC.3b.] & K. MATH.6. [NY-K.CC.4b.] Explores and develops the concept that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted, (cardinality). The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted PK.MATH.8. [NY-PK.OA.1.] Explores addition and subtraction by using objects, fingers, and responding to real world situations (e.g., if we have 3 apples and add 2 mo...

Count/Write Consecutively

  Personal Objective :  This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten students to identify and write numbers consecutively. Students will engage in a "What Comes Next?" worksheet activity using necessary materials to demonstrate their understanding of counting in order and writing numbers correctly.  Common Core Standard: PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20 PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality  Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically MP7. Look for and make use of structure Materials & Preparation Number Worksheet Pencil Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the dry erase board. I will explain to students that today we will be learning "What Comes Next?" I will ask students "What will we be learning?" they will repeat back to me "What Comes Next?" 2. Using a dry eras...

Number Match

  Personal Objective: This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten students to exercise their ability to practice number recognition and counting. This skill will teach students the concept of counting consecutively as well as how to match numbers appropriately.  Students will engage in a number matching activity using necessary materials to demonstrate their understanding of number sense.  Common Core Standard: PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality PK.MATH.3a. [NY-PK.CC.3a.] When counting objects, says the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. (1:1 correspondence) PK.MATH.4b. [NY-PK.CC.4b] Given a number from 1-10, counts out that many objects    Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically Materials & Prepara...

Making Patterns

Personal Objective: Patterns are everywhere! Upon knowing this, I created this lesson to teach Prekindergarten/Kindergarten students to exercise their ability to create "AB" patterns. Understanding patterns will help students to prepare for learning complex number concepts and mathematical operations. Common Core Standard(s): PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20 PK.MATH.9. [NY-PK.OA.2.] Duplicates and extends simple patterns using concrete objects (e.g., what comes next?)   Mathematical Practice Standards:  MP7. Look for and make use of structure  MP8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.  Materials & Preparation October Calendar and Dates Unifix Cubes  Activity:  1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the Calendar. I will explain to students (as I do each day) that today we will complete our Calendar, to find out? *Students will say* 'Today's Date." 2. In order to complete our calendar, we will review what month i...

Subitize It!

Personal Objective :  This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten/Kindergarten students to exercise their subitizing skills. In other words, a skill which will teach students how to recognize and understand "How Many?" without counting. Students will engage as they complete a worksheet. Common Core Standard(s): PK.MATH.3. [NY-PK.CC.3.] Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality PK. MATH.3b. [NY-PK.CC.3b.] & K. MATH.6. [NY-K.CC.4b.] Explores and develops the concept that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted, (cardinality). The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically Materials & Preparation Math Worksheet Crayons Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the dry erase board. I will explain to students th...

Shape it Up!

  Personal Objective :  This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten students that shapes don't have to be puzzling. With this lesson, students will learn the names of shapes and they will engage as they put simple shape puzzles together in its correct place. Common Core Standard: PK.MATH.12. [NY-PK.G.1.] Describes objects in the environment using names of shapes and describes the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, above, below, in front of, behind, over, under, next to   PK.MATH.13. [NY-PK.G.2.] Names shapes regardless of size  PK.ELAL.27. [PKL.4] Explores and uses new vocabulary in child-centered, authentic, play-based experiences  Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically Materials & Preparation Magnetic Shape Sorting Rods Puzzle Wooden Educational Shape Puzzles Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the "Shapes" chart. I...

Color Identification

  Personal Objective :  This lesson is created to teach Prekindergarten students to identify and match colors accordingly. Students will engage in a color matching activity using necessary materials to demonstrate their understanding of colors.  Common Core Standard: PK.MATH.1. [NY-PK.CC.1.] Counts to 20 PK.MATH.11. [NY-PK.MD.2.] Sorts objects and shapes into categories; counts the objects in each category. PKG.3 Analyze, compare, and sort two-three dimensional shapes and objects, in different sizes, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, and other attributes (e.g. color, size, and shape).  Mathematical Practice Standards MP4. Model with Mathematics MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically Materials & Preparation Paper (w/pre-drawn colored circles) Dot Paint (of various colors) Activity: 1. I will stand in the front of the classroom next to the "Colors" chart. I will share with students that today we will be learning about colors, I ...